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Auto Insurance 101This is a type of insurance that protects the policyholder against losses involving automobiles. Different amounts of coverage can be purchased depending on the requirements of the person purchasing the insurance. Auto insurance rates are determined by a variety of factors which often differ from insurance company to insurance company.
There are basically seven different types of coverage available. Some of these are required by law, while others are optional. They are:
Bodily injury liability: This is for injuries the policyholder causes to someone else. The part of an auto insurance policy that pays for injuries you may cause another driver or pedestrian. It includes medical expenses and loss of wages.
Medical payments: This is for treatment of injuries to the driver and passengers of the policyholder's car. This part of an auto insurance policy pays for medical expenses and lost wages to you and any passengers in your vehicle after an accident. It is also known as personal injury protection (PIP).
Property damage liability: This is for damage the policyholder causes to someone else's property. The part of an auto insurance policy that pays for damages you may cause to another's car or property.
Collision: This is for damage to the policyholder's car from a collision. The part of an auto insurance policy that pays to get your car repaired after a collision with another vehicle or an object, such as a fire hydrant or utility pole. It is collision insurance that will get your insurance company to seek out another driver's insurance company to pay for repairs if they were at fault. A deductible amount will apply.
Comprehensive: This is for damage to the policyholder's car not involving a collision with another car (including damage from fire, explosions, earthquakes, floods, riots, and theft). This part of an auto insurance policy covers damages to your car caused by something other than a crash: a vandal breaks in, a tree falls on it or floodwaters engulf it. A deductible amount will apply.
Uninsured motorists coverage: This is for costs resulting from an accident involving a hit-and-run driver or a driver who does not have insurance. This part of an auto insurance policy covers injuries to you caused by a driver without enough insurance to pay for your medical expenses. Some states include damages to your car in this coverage.
Underinsured motorists coverage: This is for costs resulting from an accident involving a driver who does not have enough insurance. This part of an auto insurance policy covers injuries to you caused by a driver without insurance. Most states require drivers to carry uninsured motorist coverage. Some states include damages to your car in this coverage.
Other Auto Insurance Terms:
Auto insurance score: Like a credit score, this score is based on information found in a consumer's credit file. Insurance companies consider auto insurance scores when pricing policies. Having black marks on your credit report could really bump up your auto insurance costs.
Binder: A temporary insurance contract that provides proof of coverage until a permanent policy can be issued.
Declarations page: The front page of an auto insurance policy listing the name of your insurance company, your policy number, your coverage, the cost of the coverage and your deductibles. This page also lists the vehicles insured on the policy as well as vehicle identification numbers (VIN).
Liability insurance: This part of an auto insurance policy covers the injuries and damage you cause to other drivers and their vehicles when you are at fault in an accident. If you are taken to court, liability coverage will apply to your legal costs. Most states require drivers to carry liability coverage. The amount of coverage varies by state.
Limits: The maximum amount of benefits your insurer will pay for a loss as designated in your insurance policy.
No-fault insurance: If you live in a state with no-fault insurance regulations, your auto insurance policy pays for your injuries no matter who caused an accident. No-fault insurance states include Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Utah and Washington, DC..
Personal injury protection (PIP): This part of an auto insurance policy pays for medical expenses and lost wages to you and any passengers in your vehicle after an accident. PIP is also known as medical payments coverage.
Premium: The amount charged for an insurance policy. A premium is based on the type and amount of coverage you choose. Other factors affecting your insurance premium include your age, marital status, your driving and credit records, the type of car you drive and whether you live in an urban or rural area. Premiums vary by insurance company.
Rental reimbursement: This part of a policy pays for the cost of a similar-sized rental car when your car is in a repair shop for covered damage.
Surcharge: A charge added to your auto policy premium after a traffic violation or an accident in which you were at fault. |
Insurance Companies |

American Family Insurance was started in October 1927 to provide affordable auto insurance rates to Wisconsin farmers. The company became American Family Mutual Insurance Company in 1963 and serviced a much broader customer base. The currently operate in 18 states including Arizona and offer a large number of insurance products including Auto, Home, Life and Renters Insurance among others.
American Family Mutual Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) |

Allstate Insurance was founded in 1931 as part of Sears, Roebuck & Co. and became a publicly traded company in 1993. Allstate sells auto, property and life insurance, as well as other lines including financial services products. They have approximately 14,900 exclusive insurance agents and financial representatives, in the U.S. and Canada. Based in Northbrook, IL, Allstate is one of the largest insurers in urban areas.
Allstate Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A+ (Superior) |

Farm Bureau was founded in 1919. A small group of farmers from 30 states gathered in Chicago and founded the American Farm Bureau Federation, which soon became the voice of agriculture to most of the nation. From this federation grew Farm Bureau Financial Services and for the last 65 years they have been providing property and casualty insurance, along with financial services to a wide scope of people throughout the country. They have expanded their success from rural American to the suburban and metropolitan areas as well. Farm Bureau in Arizona also underwrites with Western Agricultural Insurance Company.
Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) |

Liberty Mutual was founded in 1912. They opened their first office in Springfield, Massachusetts. They provide personal lines insurance, such as car insurance, property insurance, personal liability, renters and life insurance as well as many other lines of insurance and financial services. Liberty Mutual Insurance has had a 90 year mission of "helping people live safer, more secure lives," Their core values include Integrity, Dignity and Respect, with Superior Products and Services.
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) |

MetLife Auto & Home Insurance is a subsidiary of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, the largest life insurance company in the U.S. MetLife was founded in 1863 providing disability protection for Civil War soldiers. Today, they offer insurance products for Arizona residents to protect their home, auto, personal property and life. MetLife Auto & Home was also the first national insurer to provide Identity Theft Protection Services at no additional charge. They also offer Guaranteed Replacement on your homeowners insurance.
Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) |

Nationwide provides a full range of insurance products and financial services for your home, car, family and financial security. Started in 1935, the company incorporated the Farm Bureau Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and by 1943 was operating in 12 states. In 1955, the company added 20 more western states and changed its name to Nationwide Insurance. Today with more than $161 billion in statutory assets, Nationwide is one of the largest insurance and financial services companies in the world.
Nationwide Insurance Company of America
AM Best Rating: A+ (Superior) |

Sentry Insurance was founded in 1904 by members of the Wisconsin Retail Hardware Association to provide quality insurance for its members. Today, Sentry is one of the largest and strongest mutual insurance companies in the United States offering a full line of insurance coverage’s. Headquartered in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, Sentry has assets of $10 billion and a policyholder surplus of $2.81 billion. Captain John Parker, our corporate symbol, represents the commitment that Sentry has honored since 1904: Strength, Protection and Vigilance.
Sentry Insurance Group
AM Best Rating: A+ (Superior) |

USAA Insurance began with humble beginnings in 1922, when 25 Army officers met in San Antonio and decided to insure each other's vehicles; they could not have imagined that their tiny organization would one day serve 7.2 million members. While membership is reserved for active, retired and honorably separated officers and enlisted personnel of the U.S. military, the company is growing into one of the largest insurance companies in America. They also offer services to officer candidates in commissioning programs (Academy, ROTC, OCS/OTS), adult children of USAA members who have or had a USAA auto or property insurance policy, and widows and widowers of USAA members who have or had a USAA auto or property insurance policy
USAA Casualty Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A++ (Superior) |

An Undisclosed Insurance was founded in 1907 by A.T. Vigneron in Rhode Island. An Undisclosed is an acronym for the Automobile Mutual Insurance Company of America. While auto insurance was the primary insurance line for An Undisclosed in the early century, they adopted homeowner's insurance in the 1950's. In 1968 the company branched further and created the An Undisclosed Life Insurance Company. An Undisclosed Insurance has over 3,000 employees and has a long time focus on providing efficient and respectful service. An Undisclosed ranked “Highest in Customer Satisfaction Among National Auto Insurers, 10 Years in a Row” and “Highest in Customer Satisfaction Among National Homeowner Insurers, Eight Years in a Row.”
An Undisclosed Property & Casualty Insurance Co
AM Best Rating: A++ (Superior) |

Hartford Insurance has been around for over 200 years. It was founded in 1810, as the Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Some historical customers of the Hartford Insurance company include General Robert E. Lee, Williams Cody a.k.a. "Buffalo Bill", Babe Ruth, and Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Dwight D. Eisenhower. In 1984 Hartford Insurance contracts with AARP to provide auto and homeowners insurance to it's members. The Hartford is a leading provider of life insurance, group and employee benefits, automobile and homeowners insurance and business insurance and serves millions of customers around the world today.
Hartford Casualty Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) |

Safeco Insurance was started in 1923 by visionary Hawthorne K. Dent by founding under the name The General Insurance Company of America Corporation. In 1953, the company began looking for new ways to compete with direct insurance writers. The answer was computer automation tools. These became the hallmark of the company’s new business: Selective Auto and Fire Insurance Company of America, or Safeco. The company also took center stage nationwide in 1998, when it purchased the naming rights to the Seattle Mariners ballpark. In 2004, the company sold its life and investments operations, shifting the company's full attention to property and casualty insurance.
Safeco Insurance Company of America
AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) |

Progressive started in 1937 by Joseph Lewis and Jack Green. In 1956, Progressive Casualty Company was formed to write auto insurance for high-risk drivers. More growth and expansion in the 1960s brought about the formation of The Progressive Corporation. Progressive insurance became a public company in 1971. Progressive is recognized as the largest seller of auto insurance through independent insurance agents. The company also offers insurance quotes, policies and customer service through Progressive Direct. Today the company offers concierge claims service which reduces the time drivers spend managing repairs from about four days to 15 minutes.
Progressive Casualty Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A+ (Superior) |

Chubb Insurance began in the spring of 1882, Thomas Caldecot Chubb and his son Percy opened their marine underwriting business in the seaport district of New York City. Having collected $1,000 from each of 100 prominent merchants to start their venture, they focused on insuring ships and cargoes. By the turn of the century, Chubb had established strong relationships with the insurance agents and brokers who placed their clients’ business with Chubb underwriters and the original subscribers enjoyed a substantial return on their investment in the young company. With approximately 10,600 employees throughout North America, Europe, South America, and the Pacific Rim, Chubb serves property and casualty customers from some 120 offices in 28 countries around the globe. Chubb works with 8,500 independent agents and brokers worldwide.
Chubb Indemnity Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A++ (Superior) |

Mercury Insurance first opened its doors in 1962 and provides comprehensive coverage options ranging from personal auto insurance to homeowners insurance to mechanical breakdown protection. Dedicated managers and enthusiastic employees work hand-in-hand with their network of independent agents to make Mercury one of the fastest-growing auto insurers in the nation and the leading insurer in California. Mercury Insurance Company provides low rates, excellent coverage and a local agent who’s there every step of the way. They feel that’s what sets them apart from their competitors. And that’s what makes them the obvious choice when it comes to insurance.
Mercury Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A+ (Superior) |

21st Century Insurance is one of the newest major insurance companies in Arizona. Customization and personalization are the essence of our technology-driven, internet-connected culture. It's how we live today. At 21st Century Insurance they want to be the kind of insurance provider that's "just right" for consumers in the 21st century.
That's why you will hear and see them talk about insurance that's "Just Right. Just For You." Because the simple fact is, a lot of people are unaware that they have the wrong car insurance. They're here to help you "right" that "wrong" by tailoring a car insurance policy that's just right for you, at the right price. As a 21st Century Insurance customer, you will experience a level of personal service and personalized coverage.
21st Century Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) |

Esurance Insurance is one of the newest yet fastest growing insurance companies in the nation. Started in 1999, Esurance was bought by the White Mountains Insurance Group. Esurance customers can manage their policies online and also contact our customer service center 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The company offers auto insurance, homeowners insurance, renters insurance, health insurance, life insurance and motorcycle insurance. Esurance's mission is to be dedicated to being the leading provider of personal insurance products. They leverage technology to provide a hassle-free experience for their customers and to create significant value for their owners.
Esurance Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A- (Excellent) |

GMAC Insurance was founded in 1919. Initially formed to provide automotive finance products and services to General Motors dealers and clients, GMAC has since expanded its business to include mortgage operations, insurance, commercial finance and online banking. GMAC was a wholly owned subsidiary of GM, until 2006. By 2009, the company had approximately $178 billion in assets, with 15 million customers worldwide. GMAC provides a broad range of insurance and insurance-related products and services for individual consumers, as well as automotive dealerships and other businesses.
GMAC Insurance Group
AM Best Rating: B++ * (Good) |

Travelers Insurance was a merger of two companies. Started in 1853 as St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company by Alexander Wilkin and 16 fellow Saint Paul, MN businessmen. In 1964 J.G. Batterson and nine others form The Travelers Insurance Company "for the purpose of insuring travelers against loss of life or personal injury while journeying by railway or steamboat." In 1897 the company issues the first automobile insurance policy. By 2004 The Saint Paul and Travelers Property Casualty merge to form St. Paul Travelers, creating a new company with 285 years combined experience in managing risk with integrity, innovation and discipline.
Travelers Casualty Insurance Co of America
AM Best Rating: A+ (Superior) |

State Farm was founded in
1922 by retired farmer and insurance
salesman George Jacob "G.J." Mecherle. His
motivation for starting State Farm was
simple. It was about fairness and doing the
right thing for the customer. Today, State
Farm insures more cars than any other
insurer in North America. They are the
leading U.S. home insurer. More than 17,000
agents and 68,000 employees serve over 75
million policies in the U.S. and
Canada. Among financial services products,
they offer consumers auto insurance, home
insurance, renters insurance and life
State Farm Group
AM Best Rating: A++ (Superior) |

Geico Insurance was established in 1936 by Leo Goodwin under the name Government Employees Insurance Company, better known today as GEICO. As an entrepreneur he enthusiastically built the company catapulting it to the juggernaut that GEICO has become today. In 1951 Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway), became involved with Geico. Since that time Geico has grown to include over 30,000 associates and more than 12 million policies in force. Government Employees Insurance Company (GEICO) and its affiliate companies (GEICO General Insurance Company, GEICO Indemnity Company, GEICO Casualty Company, GEICO Advantage Insurance Company, GEICO Choice Insurance Company, and GEICO Secure Insurance Company) enjoy high ratings in the industry for financial strength and claims-paying ability.
Government Employees Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A++ (Superior) |

Berkshire Hathaway Insurance is a conglomerate of holding companies including Geico Auto Insurance, Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies, Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance, Guard Insurance Group, United States Liability Insurance Group and many more. These insurance groups include coverage for personal as well as commercial auto insurance policies, business insurance, business liability and other product lines.
Berkshire Hathaway Insurance Group
AM Best Rating: A++ (Superior) |

Farmers Insurance Group offers insurance for your auto, home, motorcycle, boat, travel trailer, motorhome, home, condo, as well as life insurance. Farmers humble beginning started in Los Angeles in 1928, long before becoming a household name as one of the largest insurance companies in the U.S. Started by John Tyler and Thomas Leavey, the company tailored its policies to farmers and ranchers in 1998, Farmers Group was acquired by Zurich Financial Services. Farmers is also the largest insurer of Manufactured Homes under its company Foremost Property & Casualty Insurance Company. Additionally Farmers owns Bristol West Insurance, and 21st Century Insurance.
Farmers Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A (Excellent) |

AAA Auto Club Enterprises Car Insurance was founded in 1902. It is a little known fact that AAA was integral to the advent of the interstate system throughout the United States as well as the development of the standardized octagonal shaped red "Stop Signs" used in every state at most intersections. AAA began providing road maps in 1905 and began its school safety program in 1920. AAA has been at the forefront of national traffic studies throughout the years. AAA is a federation of motor clubs throughout the U.S. and has over 51 million members.
Auto Club Indemnity Insurance Company
AM Best Rating: A+ (Superior) |

Erie Insurance Group provides car insurance, homeowners insurance, life insurance, boat insurance and business insurance services. Established in 1925 Erie Insurance Their approach is to "overwhelm" their customers with fantastic service and a great value. The company has a network of independent insurance agents throughout the U.S. Erie insurance has nearly 4.9 million policies and more than 330,000 life, annuity and disability income policies in force.
Erie Insurance Group
AM Best Rating: A+ (Superior) |

Auto-Owners Insurance Group was founded in 1916 by Vern V. Moulton in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. It began in just one room of a bank building. It moved soon thereafter to Lansing, Michigan. The Lansing corporate office services not only Auto-Owners Insurance Company, but its subsidiary companies: Auto-Owners Life Insurance Company, Home-Owners Insurance Company, Owners Insurance Company, Property-Owners Insurance Company, and Southern-Owners Insurance Company. The company now has over 6,200 independent agencies, selling personal and commercial insurance lines as well as life, health and annuities in 26 states.
Auto-Owners Insurance Group
AM Best Rating: A++ (Superior) |

Country Financial Property & Casualty Insurance has a full line of insurance products for consumers as well as financial services. For more than 85 years, Country has been protecting its customers assets and liabilities. The company serves about 1 million households and businesses throughout the Unites States. Country Insurance began in 1925 with its roots in agriculture. Today the offer competitive rates, money-saving discounts and a variety of auto insurance coverage’s to meet their customers specific needs. Their claims service is among the best in the industry. Their slogan is "You’ll always get the service you deserve with COUNTRY."
Country Financial Property & Casualty Insurance Group
AM Best Rating: A+ (Superior) |
Who are the Rating Companies' |
A.M. Best www.ambest.com
A.M. Best rates the financial strength of
insurance companies and the security of
holding companies' debt and preferred
stock. More than merely passing judgment on
past performance, a Best's rating gives an
indication of how that company may be
expected to perform in the future. |
Standard &
Poor's www.standardandpoors.com
Standard & Poor's Insurer Financial
Strength is a current opinion of the
financial security characteristics of an
insurance organization with respect to its
ability to pay under its insurance policies
and contracts in accordance with their
terms. |
Moody's Investors
Service www.moodys.com
Moody's insurance ratings and research
provide global coverage of life, property
and casualty, mortgage, and title insurers
and reinsurers as well as financial
guarantors. |
Yuma Auto Insurance |
Yuma Home Insurance |
Yuma Health Insurance |
Avondale Auto Insurance |
Avondale Home Insurance |
Avondale Health Insurance |
Lake Havasu Auto Insurance |
Lake Havasu Home Insurance |
Lake Havasu Health Insurance |
Goodyear Auto Insurance |
Goodyear Home Insurance |
Goodyear Health Insurance |
Sierra Vista Auto Insurance |
Sierra Vista Home Insurance |
Sierra Vista Health Insurance |
Prescott Auto Insurance |
Prescott Home Insurance |
Prescott Health Insurance |
Bullhead City Auto Insurance |
Bullhead City Home Insurance |
Bullhead City Health Insurance |
Oro Valley Auto Insurance |
Oro Valley Home Insurance |
Oro Valley Health Insurance |
Maricopa Auto Insurance |
Maricopa Home Insurance |
Maricopa Health Insurance |
Prescott Valley Auto Insurance |
Prescott Valley Home
Insurance |
Prescott Valley Health Insurance |
Apache Junction Auto Insurance |
Apache Junction Home
Insurance |
Apache Junction Health Insurance |
Marana Auto Insurance |
Marana Home Insurance |
Marana Health Insurance |
Buckeye Auto Insurance |
Buckeye Home Insurance |
Buckeye Health Insurance |
Kingman Auto Insurance |
Kingman Home Insurance |
Kingman Health Insurance |
El Mirage Auto Insurance |
El Mirage Home Insurance |
El Mirage Health Insurance |
Fountain Hills Auto Insurance |
Fountain Hills Home
Insurance |
Fountain Hills Health Insurance |
San Luis Auto Insurance |
San Luis Home Insurance |
San Luis Health Insurance |
Nogales Auto Insurance |
Nogales Home Insurance |
Nogales Health Insurance |
Florence Auto Insurance |
Florence Home Insurance |
Florence Health Insurance |
Douglas Auto Insurance |
Douglas Home Insurance |
Douglas Health Insurance |
Sahuarita Auto Insurance |
Sahuarita Home Insurance |
Sahuarita Health Insurance |
Payson Auto Insurance |
Payson Home Insurance |
Payson Health Insurance |
Paradise Valley Auto Insurance |
Paradise Valley Home
Insurance |
Paradise Valley Health Insurance |
Eloy Auto Insurance |
Eloy Home Insurance |
Eloy Health Insurance |
Show Low Auto Insurance |
Show Low Home Insurance |
Show Low Health Insurance |
Sedona Auto Insurance |
Sedona Home Insurance |
Sedona Health Insurance |
Cottonwood Auto Insurance |
Cottonwood Home Insurance |
Cottonwood Health Insurance |
Somerton Auto Insurance |
Somerton Home Insurance |
Somerton Health Insurance |
Chino Valley Auto Insurance |
Chino Valley Home Insurance |
Chino Valley Health Insurance |
Camp Verde Auto Insurance |
Camp Verde Home Insurance |
Camp Verde Health Insurance |
Winslow Auto Insurance |
Winslow Home Insurance |
Winslow Health Insurance |
Coolidge Auto Insurance |
Coolidge Home Insurance |
Coolidge Health Insurance |
Safford Auto Insurance |
Safford Home Insurance |
Safford Health Insurance |
Globe Auto Insurance |
Globe Home Insurance |
Globe Health Insurance |
Tolleson Auto Insurance |
Tolleson Home Insurance |
Tolleson Health Insurance |
Page Auto Insurance |
Page Home Insurance |
Page Health Insurance |
Wickenburg Auto Insurance |
Wickenburg Home Insurance |
Wickenburg Health Insurance |
Bisbee Auto Insurance |
Bisbee Home Insurance |
Bisbee Health Insurance |
Litchfield Park Auto Insurance |
Litchfield Park Home
Insurance |
Litchfield Park Health Insurance |
Cave Creek Auto Insurance |
Cave Creek Home Insurance |
Cave Creek Health Insurance |
Clarkdale Auto Insurance |
Clarkdale Home Insurance |
Clarkdale Health Insurance |
Carefree Auto Insurance |
Carefree Home Insurance |
Carefree Health Insurance |
Sun Lakes Auto Insurance |
Sun Lakes Home Insurance |
Sun Lakes Health Insurance |
Anthem Auto Insurance |
Anthem Home Insurance |
Anthem Health Insurance |
Gold Canyon Auto Insurance |
Gold Canyon Home Insurance |
Gold Canyon Health Insurance |
| |