Understanding Flagstaff Business Insurance
If you're a startup small business owner or an executive of an established corporation, understanding business insurance and how it protects your business can seem overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be, that's why Business Insurance Quotes is here to assist you in the pursuit of the right insurance and the right price. Coverage options are available to protect almost every aspect of your business from employee injury to property damage to liability. Some business insurance is required by law and others by business associates, such as landlords and lenders. The best option is to protect yourself and your business immediately using one of our trusted business insurance partners.
Property Insurance covers repairs or replacements for damaged physical property when there are claims due to theft, fire, weather, or
other covered losses.
Business Liability Insurance or commercial general liability (CGL) insurance protects your business should injury or property damage
occur to others as a result of your business operations.
Workers' Compensation Insurance is a form of insurance providing wages and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of
employment duties in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee's right to sue his or her employer for negligence.
Business Auto Insurance can protect your business from liability, personal injury/medical,
comprehensive, and collision coverage claims and more.
Business Crime Insurance is intended to reduce loss exposures from criminal acts such as burglary, robbery and other forms of theft.
Sometimes referred to as "fidelity insurance", many businesses purchase this insurance that allows them to file claims for employee theft
or other crimes that may cause financial ruin for small businesses.
Employment Practices Liability can cover your business if discrimination, sexual harassment or wrongful termination claims are made by
present, former or future employees.
Life Insurance for Business Owners can help you plan for business succession, survive the loss of a key employee or partner and
retain/reward your top people. Retirement and Benefits for Business Owners can secure your financial future and that of your employees.
Umbrella can shield your business from potentially ruinous lawsuits with additional liability coverage.
Transportation and Cargo to cover against goods that are damaged or lost when transported by one of your vehicles or common contract
Spoilage for perishable goods when they spoil due to a mechanical breakdown or power outage.
Delivery/Catering Non-Owned Auto if an employee is involved in an auto accident while driving a personal automobile on company
business, such as in a delivery or catering service.

Additional Insurance Coverages to Consider
Employment Practices Liability can cover your business if discrimination, sexual harassment or wrongful termination claims are made by
present, former or future employees.
Life Insurance for Business Owners can help you plan for business succession, survive the loss of a key employee or partner and
retain/reward your top people. Retirement and Benefits for Business Owners can secure your financial future and that of your employees.
Umbrella can shield your business from potentially ruinous lawsuits with additional liability coverage.
Transportation and Cargo to cover against goods that are damaged or lost when transported by one of your vehicles or common contract
Spoilage for perishable goods when they spoil due to a mechanical breakdown or power outage.
Delivery/Catering Non-Owned Auto if an employee is involved in an auto accident while driving a personal automobile on company
business, such as in a delivery or catering service.
Things to Remember for your existing Business Insurance Policy
Protecting your business and business assets was one of the best choices you've made in the past. However, coverage needs change over time; your business has specific needs and reviewing your policy makes certain your coverage options continue to fully protect your company, executives, employees and assets. Insurance policies for most small business owners are commonly referred to as a "BOP" or Business Owners Policy.
Specific Business Insurance Coverages for Certain Types of Business
Flagstaff, Apartment Business Insurance - For Apartment Building Owners and typically includes Comprehensive Liability, Structure Coverage, Loss of Income, Ordinance and Law Coverage, Equipment Breakdown, Data Breach and even Identity Theft Coverage for the owners.
Flagstaff, Auto Service and Repair Business Insurance - Auto Body Shops, Transmission Shops, Oil Change Shops and more. Look for coverage’s that include Income Protection, Business Property and Outdoor Sign Coverage, Medical Payments, as well as Commercial Liability Coverage.
Flagstaff, Commercial Real Estate Insurance - Targeted coverage for such business properties as Office Buildings, Shopping Centers, Shopping Malls and Industrial Buildings. Coverage's may include Business Property, Business Income, Tenant Relocation Expenses due to Fire, Windstorm, or other hazards, and Building Ordinance Coverage.
Insurance for Educational & Non-Profit in Flagstaff, - A major concern for non-profit entities and organizations is Liability Insurance. These types of organizations include 501(c)(3), Museums, Civic Groups, Schools and others. Specialized insurance coverage’s include; Commercial General Liability, Directors & Officers Liability, Umbrella Liability, Improper Sexual Conduct Liability, Flagstaff Business Auto Liability, Social Service Professional Liability, Employee Benefits Liability, Non-Owned/Hired Auto Liability, Employee Dishonesty, Commercial Property and Participant / Volunteer Accident.
Flagstaff, Independent Contractor Insurance - House Cleaners, Plumbers, Carpenters, Electricians, Landscapers, Painters, Hair Salons and more. Coverages to consider are Errors & Omissions, Product Liability, Medical & Disability as well as Bodily Injury and Property Damage.
Flagstaff, Hospitality Industry Insurance - For Bed & Breakfasts, Hotels and Motels. Coverages available include: Property Coverage (Replacement Cost, Special Form, Blanket, Agreed Amount, Household Personal Property, GOIP Plus Extension, Business Income & Extra Expense), General Liability (including Personal Liability), Liquor Liability, Crime, Automobile (Commercial/Service vehicles only) or Excess Limits of Liability Insurance.
Flagstaff, Residential Community Insurance or Homeowner Association Insurance - Insurance coverage is customizable and comprehensive. Consider insuring your HOA with Building Coverage, Directors and Officers Liability Coverage, Comprehensive General Liability, Employee Dishonesty and others.
Flagstaff, Manufacturing Business Insurance or Factory Insurance - Product, Business Property, Liability Insurance, Food, Commercial Printing, Equipment, Workers Compensation, and more.
Flagstaff, Professional Services Insurance - For Medical, Veterinary, Attorneys and other Business Professional Service providers is called Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) or Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) yet more commonly known as Errors & Omissions (E&O).
Flagstaff, Religious Organization Insurance or Insurance for Church - Religious Organizations need specialty insurance coverage for all types of potential liability and loss. Liability coverage may include General Liability, Personal Injury, Abuse & Molestation Coverage, Additional Insured (Volunteers & Church Members) and others. This type of insurance usually includes coverage for General Property, Auto Coverage (vans and buses are usually acceptable), and Crime & Fidelity Insurance Coverage.
Flagstaff, Restaurant Insurance - Fine Dining, Fast Food and Casual Restaurants. Typical restaurant insurance policies might include coverage’s for General Liability Insurance, Worker’s Comp Insurance, Property, Identity Theft Insurance, Valuable Papers Coverage and Loss of Income Insurance.
Flagstaff, Retail Store Insurance - Convenience Store, Salons, Dry Cleaners, Boutiques, etc. Consider these coverage’s; Property Insurance, Bodily Injury Liability (BI), Property Damage Liability (PD), Product Liability, Business Income Insurance, Crime Coverage and Medical Coverage (if someone is injured at your business).
Flagstaff, Wholesale Insurance - Specialized coverage like General Liability Insurance, Property Insurance, Umbrella Insurance / Excess Liability Insurance, Workers' Compensation Insurance and Commercial Auto Insurance.

Bodily Injury Liability Coverage: Pays damages due to bodily injury to others for which you are responsible. If you
are sued, it also pays your defense and court costs.
Property Damage Liability Coverage: Pays damages due to property damage to others for which you are responsible. If you are sued, it also pays your defense and court costs.
Personal Injury/Medical Payments Coverage: Usually pays medical and funeral expenses for bodily injury to a covered person sustained in an accident in your auto. Collision Coverage: Pays for a covered auto that is damaged by collision with another object or by upset.
Comprehensive Coverage: Pays for a covered auto that is stolen or damaged by causes other than collision or upset.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: Pays for injuries, and in some circumstances property damage, when you are involved in an accident with another person who is uninsured or whose available limits are less than the limits you chose to carry for this coverage. You'd be surprised how many people only carry minimum limits. Would you like to have the same coverage for yourself that you are providing the other person'
What amount of a covered loss are you willing to pay' The deductible is the portion of a covered loss that is your responsibility. For example, if you had a $500 deductible, you would need to pay $500 of the covered loss.
How high should your liability coverage limits be' No one can predict exactly how much you would have to pay if you were to cause an accident. Ask yourself how you would pay for any damages exceeding your coverage limits. The higher the limits on your commercial auto insurance, the more likely your policy will be able to pay all of the damages.